Holiday Music
I receive a spam email on Christmas Eve.
From it a foghorn sounds, and small lights shine within it.
After filtering, I gather it really concerns me.
Begin to circle, aunts.
A seal point Siamese
haunts the rafters. A quail
nailed to the wall proclaims
Taxidermy was my cause
of death, but that’s history.
An hour in the oven
leaves the email a little
dry. I garnish it with tech
industry newsletters and
perishable coupon codes.
I reply all.
I forward.
I think
I left the pumpkin pie
in the basement. While you're
down there can you check
to see if I'm still purring?
An error has occurred. An items [sic] is failing.
Dispatch from an Inbox
Did you stumble into my mouth, or did my mouth
stumble into a shattered sentence fragment with you
as its object? Lately I have been sorry for experiencing
high call volume, even though everyone keeps hanging
up on me. These boys are by no means angels the radio
broadcaster says, and here in the control room
of a deconstructed flower I know what it’s like
to watch sleep ride off into the sunset, having
been hunted, and having hunted. You see,
there was a black door, and a white door,
and an axe in my hands. There was a woman
saying I don’t know whatever’s blooming
right now but it’s killing me. I assume it’s not
the dogwoods but the dogs in cars all howling
at Venus through the moonroofs of their masters,
and from the guts of a misty cul-de-sac, a sign:
You have reached an inactive mailbox. This is
an automatic reply. No one is reviewing your email.