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March 2, 2023


Emory Brinson

What is mine / to carry / hold / keep / but the inner ache / the way pineapple / lacerates  a lip / so intimately / the tension sting / of three-day-old hair / my own / smell / the way skin peels / from left foot / lungs seize with virus / every october / every miss is a poem / every nod a need / hitched breath / held exhale / the stink of morning / grime of each season’s sweat / map of every / body / I miss / crack of pollen / discolored patch / line / symptoms of growth / misery / memories that come / go / I was nothing before yesterday / witness / all the ways / I weep / all the ways I / open my jaw / to salt / synthetic sweet / lemons crushed to yellow / to mark the tongue as lost / and / found / I always carry a handful of advil / a shriek / a rotting honeycrisp / I sleep in silence / just to dream of friction / wish on every toenail / I slice / this body the only thing / that is mine / even that / a lie / call me by / any name beginning with / my own.