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Distract yourself with life. Develop meaning and purpose. Fall in love with someone who’s good enough. If they’re just good enough, their flaws will keep you busy enough so that you're not thinking about death. Have a baby. If you can’t have a baby, get a dog. But what about a cat? Don’t make that mistake. Cats think about death all the time. You can see it in their eyes. Don’t say the word “death”. Ban it from your vocabulary. When necessary, use euphemisms like “pass away” or “moved to the next life”. You can’t avoid funerals, but you can at least say things like “pass away”. Don’t get too close to large bodies of water. Large bodies of water prompt melancholy. I understand that you live by the sea, but you’re just going to have to move. This is your life now. You’re going to have to move.