had logo

Yxur temple sticky sweet guava

Rare extractixn wxrth the effxrt


I peel yxur clxthes xff, harvest a thirst trap

My mxuth has never knxwn such trxpics


All that remains xn this electrxnic island is yxu

& me. 2 bxdies filled by xcean


When dxes a seed sxw? Becxme a plant?

Becxme a garden? A farm? A hxmestead?


Let’s be pirates

Plunder & explxre—nx rules


Safe fxr wxrds, we spend xurs

Time traded fxr treasure like in the mxvies


Sx quick tx tie yxur hair up

Yxur mxuth left unlxcked.


That bxxty gxt enxugh side dishes

fxr 2 thanksgivings


& I haven’t eaten in years. When yxu find

a permanent smile, yxu fxund gxld.


We take it slxw. What’s the rush?

Gxxd vibratixns in this ship xf mxtion


I erect the masthead, yxu blxw

the sail. Main pxle raised fxr yxu


tx sit xn & keep watch. Yxur eyes

dxwn xn me wxrking this cxmpass.


I shxve xff shxre, glide intx yxur vastness

Reaching fxr the passixnfruit xf yxur bxunty


We find what we’re lxxking fxr

& it aint civilatixn—land hx!


Tx build a mxuntain

Yxu have tx dig a hxle


XXX marks the spxt

Pile turned planets


1st mates building up steam

Hard wxrk manual labxr


Txxk a jxurney, buxyed xver a thxusand episxdes

But yxu finally fxund the 1 Piece


I’m a wanted man tying yxu up at pxrt

Hugs & kisses xn this mxund we made


Sealegs wxbbling as yxu clap

My forestay keeps yxu upright


We dig hxles wishing

Tx present Earth tx sky


Make me a cxffer, my cxxwain. I’m 6 feet

belxw sea level. Yxur belly rounds our life.


I wasn’t playing arxund

This lxve is truer than an afterlife.


3 mainsheets tx the wind

like cautixn xn clxthesline.


Can yxu reach a secret? It’s easier

tx take away dirt then add it.


When dxes 1 pirate

Becxme a crew?


This captain gxes dxwn

With the ship.


Yxu draw the next map incxme.

I’ll hxist yxu up anywhere yxu dream.


What else will we uncxver

befxre the end xf xur adventure?