had logo

that as a Sagittarius I need

a thick shot of Vitamin D

in the lust muscle this spring.


Problem is, the doctor diagnosed

an actual Vitamin D deficiency

and recommended supplements. Sexy.

Takes a bit of the piss out of charts

if you read them in a waiting room.

What’s meant to sound cute

assumes a more somber tone.


I once dated an Aries who scared me.

I know ass about astrology

but each time I told someone his sign

they’d say, “yea, sounds like an Aries.”


They must have been right because

he was like that. An Aries, that is.

I’d like to argue for him, but can’t.

It was my twenties and I won’t go back

to remember his name. Truly

asking, and genuinely curious, straight

from the mouth of a half-man


half-horse, is that a Saggitarian

approach? All I know is

that I’m a fire sign who can’t

make up their mind. Like how to end


this poem…