no e in klooky
I didn’t ask for this, this loving,
but I got it anyway. hands holding
hands holding cups, spliffs—
a chair, a balcony.
two dogs without fault.
a long braid in your hair.
what did I just say about this loving?
black birds know it now too &
not for your lack of trying.
no e in joy
I told skylarks and oaks
what my ribs couldn’t hold. low
in grass, it was coming all along.
I didn’t think I would know how
to talk about it—so small
in its approach, so much
in light, blinding, bucking
at my wrists. this. this is it.
no e in daddy
if all falls apart, how fast do you think
a wolf will find us? no moon will sing to
whippoorwills, no fox will drink
from mason jar. I sip from what fills:
sorrow and cum sifting through glass
slit, sun following sun, following
saturn's rings. stay. this too is loving.
hands hard as haunt, wanting wings.
him and not him. a girl, lost.
I’m at your door.