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A black anglerfish washed up on the beach the other day. Its lugubrious skin looked like jello. Goth as fuck, even as it was dying. Maybe because it was dying. There’s a desire for darkness in some people. You see it in the craze for charcoal ice cream or squid-ink pasta. A whole group of people who want Vantablack except Anish Kapoor has exclusive rights to it. I used to think I was so cool when I wore Tripp jeans. I like to think I come across as punk rock, and maybe I do. Dark marrow nestles in bones, fans wide when you boil the broth out. The broth’s surface has the same sheen as that beached anglerfish dying on the sand. The Styx is only one of the rivers in the Underworld. I think about the shadow stitched to my heels and wonder if it can ever fly away without me. I shave my head; I pierce my nose. Liquid eyeliner makes for sharper lines. I cook pasta and because I forget the timer, it scorches to the bottom of my speckled black saucepan. The opposite of no-color is all-colors. Singular versus plural. Most of the time I don’t think about dying alone like an anglerfish on the beach. Dark matter is the most mysterious thing in the universe. A black hole is an endless swallowing. In my dreams I have dappled wings, but I fall into the abyss every time.



A black anglerfish washed up on the beach the other day. Its lugubrious skin looked like jelly. Goth as fuck, even as  it was dying. Maybe because it was dying. There’s a desire for darkness in some people. You see it in the craze for charcoal ice cream or squid-ink pasta. A whole group of people who want Vantbrace except Anish Kapoor has exclusive rights to it. I used to think I was so cool when I wore Tripp jeans. I like to think I come across as punk rock, and maybe I do. Dark marrow nestles in bones, fans wide when you boil the broth out. The broth’s surface has the same sheen as that beached anglerfish dying on the sand. The Styx is only one of the rivers in the Underworld. I think about the shadow stitched to my heels and wonder if it can ever fly away without me. I shave my head; I pierce my nose. Liquid eyeliner makes for sharper lines. I cook pasta and because I forget the timer, it scorches to the bottom of my speckled black saucepan. The opposite of no-color is all-colors. Singular versus plural. Most of the time I don’t think about dying alone like an anglerfish on the beach. Dark matter is the most mysterious thing in the universe. A black hole is an endless swallowing. In my dreams I have dappled wings, but I fall into the abyss every time……………….……………………….....………………………..……………...……….……