had logo

apples, body wash, & cat litter on the credit card


bc we’re out and I don’t get paid


until Friday, the check landing too late to keep


this thing going, direct deposit, elephant


in the room of our love. Eugen


Bavčar made a photograph once of hands


blurred by long exposure over a piano,


hovering the way god does


over a religionless life


if it started in the church. St. Jerome healed the lion,


translated the Bible, Kiselewski sculpted him


in limestone although he often appears


mired in books or in the desert, which settings are


not altogether that different. You


know me, I am always looking


to the lives of the saints for proper


guidance on how to live my life quietly,


pull no fire alarms, respect


the sanctity of


the phone note, only make a new one when I’m


sure I have something


very important to record.


wastewater Covid levels are the highest they’ve been in a while


except our instinct for self-preservation has gone to hell.




Jerome was also often shown with an owl, symbolizing wisdom, and/or the trumpet of final judgment.