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September 10, 2024

Telling the Truth

Amber Nuyens

Anything is vegan at Taco Bell if you substitute the meat with beans. Oat milk is the most environmentally-friendly dairy replacement we’ve got, but it is terrible for your skin. Can we ever have it all? After so many years of selective breeding, the labels indica and sativa still might mean something. This locally-grown strain has some very cool terpenes. Have you heard of caryophyllene? It’s peppery, spicy, and it’s an antidepressant. This is why they will tell you Chemdawg gives you a euphoric high. Maybe we can have it all. When you hit the crosswalk button, all traffic will stop for you. It’s the law, isn’t it? When you separate your compost, trash, and recycling, it remains separated. Your efforts to save the world, one eggshell at a time, are making a difference. Your story about the climate crisis has made a difference. Your book about the climate crisis will make a difference. The average global temperature has risen by less than two degrees since 1880. This means we are doing a good job. All those big companies are being held accountable for their global emissions. It’s the law, isn’t it? When you look into the ocean, the corals you cannot see are only dying a little bit at a time. We are doing a good job. We have it all.