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In the early days of the world there was the sun and there was man. Even earlier than that there was the sun and there was a flower being fed by the sun.  And even earlier than that there was darkness. If you go far back enough there will always be darkness. And if you go forward enough there will still be darkness. Everything in between is being recorded. And because it is being recorded that means we must perform. And in this performance man makes fire and builds skyscrapers and spills blood. And in that spilled blood there are dynasties. There are stars. Because this is a performance and because there is light. Because we are the stars. And we are the belly of the moon. The moon is not a star but it shines light but only because it is a mirror for the sun, and because it is a mirror we see ourselves in the grand thing because man must be bigger than itself and the universe. Because the universe is a mouth and a throat. The ground beneath us is melting because of the sun but only because of us. If this is on the head it is because man hits things on the head with clubs and poets hit things on the head with words. Because hitting things with sticks and words made the world what it is. Because the world is violent but the planets look like gumballs and fruit tastes like sex and in our eyes there are galaxies and the Fibonacci sequence can be found inside sunflowers and on seashells and pinecones and on our hands and fingertips and in the blood we spill because it is in our DNA to annihilate ourselves and everything around us because we are cogs gnashing teeth in the machine. And somewhere, a machine is planting flowers made of stars.