from Latin vulnus, vulneris (n.): wound, injury
- sending a text
- seeing the read receipt
- waiting for a reply
- finding a partner for a class discussion
- hitting the bus stop button
- when i am the only one getting off
- for people to know where i am going
- the second before the sea hits my toes
- waiting for the waitress to notice i am ready to order
- telling new friends
- what bands i like
- my favorite ______
- shazaming a song (angling my phone screen down)
- walking into a salon after half a year’s neglect
- wearing obviously brand new shoes
- sporting an obviously brand new haircut
- finishing a speech
- asking for any questions (none)
- thanking everyone for their time
- waiting for the applause to begin
- waiting for the applause to finish
- taking a long time
- tying my shoes
- taking off my shoes
- opening my texts repeatedly
- seeing the empty space under