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December 15, 2020

Yes, I was an honor’s student

Selena Cotte

December 14, 2020

eat you up

Patrick Mullen-Coyoy

December 13, 2020

The Ape God Addresses Mononoke

Steven Duong

December 12, 2020

At sixty, my mother

Mandy Moe Pwint Tu

December 11, 2020

I last saw you cold

Raphael Jenkins

December 10, 2020

TFW the Zoom Party is in Four Hours But You Start Getting Ready Anyway

Nicole Oquendo

December 9, 2020

We Tell Time in Release Dates, Hair Colors, Live Stages, Tours—

Audrey Bauman

December 8, 2020

2 Poems

Matthew Medendorp

December 7, 2020

2 Poems

Sean Cho A.

December 6, 2020

4 Poems

Matt Mitchell

December 5, 2020

Self Care in the Land of a Thousand Horses

Devin Kelly

December 4, 2020

We Can Call Him Spot

T. L. Sherwood

December 3, 2020

baby spinach and roundhouse kicks

Steve Gergley

December 2, 2020

Reasons, both real and imaginary, your little league coach gave as justification for screaming at you to the point of needing to pull a Hall’s throat lozenge from the pocket of his tight, 1980s shorts

Brendan J. O'Brien

December 1, 2020


Bezalel Stern

November 30, 2020

Sonnet for an Adolescence

Patrick Nevins

November 29, 2020

How We Spend Our Days

Rebecca Rubenstein

November 28, 2020

A Dream Is a Dream Is a Dream and Then You Name It, and Voila! Now It Has Power

T.L. States

November 27, 2020

Coal and Glitter

Łukasz Drobnik

November 26, 2020

I had the urge to write about middle age but I’m past it

Amorak Huey

November 25, 2020

Bad Acupuncture

Chelsea Stickle

November 24, 2020

Very True Not Made up Science Facts to Share at a Dinner Party

Maya Owen

November 23, 2020

John Mulaney Tells My Life Story to My Therapist (Cento)

Michael Sun

November 22, 2020

The Teeniest ______ You Ever Seed

B. Tyler Lee

November 21, 2020

2 Poems

Doug Paul Case

November 20, 2020

Regarding my crush on John Cusack as Lloyd Dobler in the 1989 romantic comedy ‘Say Anything’

Hannah Lamb-Vines

November 19, 2020

Things I Learned From Hey Arnold! and Why Arnold Never Goes to High School:

Michael Hammerle

November 18, 2020


Megan Ritchie

November 17, 2020

3 Poems

Logan Roberts

November 16, 2020


Kristine Langley Mahler