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water is not a mirror and it is dangerous to think so - Anne Carson


Understanding a lake as a mirror

is an incomplete understanding of a lake.


A lake is a thing which holds

as in two hands cupped to hold water


from a lake to a mouth

which is the start of the river


of the body.


The music water makes

toneless slapping against the shore.


Notation, like a river, is a system

documenting how we move


from one place to the next.

Though, thinking of a river


as a record of events

is an incomplete understanding


of time. Once, the Megunticook River

powered factories that produced


gunpowder. Once, the Megunticook River

meant “Big Mountain Harbor”


in Wabanaki. Now, a land acknowledgement

does its best to understand violence.


Looking out over the harbor,

the sun sets and makes of itself


an impressionist painting in the water

though imagery remains


an incomplete understanding of an image.

My body buoyed by the tide—


how to understand time, a black ship

floating through the ecosystem of night?


Time as the rocks you cannot see

under the water.


Time as a cliff children leap from

in the distance


and emerge from the water as memories.

To understand a lake as its history


is an incomplete understanding

of joy.


To understand anything at all

is to miss the water


for what it reflects.

To swim out into the middle of the harbor


where you can stand on an uninhabitable island.

To be alone in the center of a story


or at the mouth of a river

or at the cusp of knowing


or not knowing, not really.

To fill your mouth with lakewater


and come to no conclusion

searching for a shape that looks like you


in the sky.