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Do you ever find yourself doing something

you’ve never done before, something mundane?

Like how today I took a different way to work

just for kicks and didn't really know the details,

just figured I could wind my way there, turning

my car a little north, a little east, repeat through

the dripping post-rain May morning, sunrise

slicing at my eyes and steam rising off the

cemetery grass with my window down to

hear the birds and imagining the world

when it had all the birds still, and

about two miles from work,

found myself with my hand

on the door armrest, a place

I never set my arm probably

because I'm tall and I put it

up at the window—there’s a

permanent indent there, a

little hollow from the

ulna bump, pressure

remaking the world

over time—but there

it was, my arm,

relaxed, fingers

resting on the


and I did not know who I was.