One day my student is crying
she has been listening to a song
it’s so powerful just so powerful
coughing through her tears blessedly
unembarrassed occasionally hiccuping
her face swollen I do not ask what
has filled her to the brim today
whatever song it is has gotten between her
and the world enough to pry the lid
off something wordless she sits
on the floor and I do not tell her art
will be there for her all her life I do not know
if she sees her life is made of doors music perhaps
through most of them you know how it is I hope:
you’re in the middle of your life and then
gong! suddenly some music a poem
and then the crying that begins is like a belch at first
and you listen astonishing and long
and it calls forth such sounds from you that you remember
my god you’re alive and there is such a thing as song