the only reason i know she’s evil is because when her skin sloughs off, it smells bad
unfortunately we’ve been selected as corporate plants i wonder why i’m lumped in with her
but i guess we’ve both been remembering that we might have been abducted by beings and that they might have opened us up, sowed seeds into our arms
which is probably why she’s digging around in there
i tell her: don’t show me your wet goo and bloated bone i’m exhausted
someone derailed our commute, got mangled in the tracks now we’re both gonna be late for the ole dog and pony show
the only question i ever have is why? no one’s answered yet
come to think of it, i think i was awake during the operation
while everyone else slept well, not evil one, it’s why she’s always writhing on the ground
we’re sisters in that way, in the way we were both awake
send that upstairs! surgery sisters! they didn’t even know what they had when they selected us
look, now i’m talking in units: us we our NDA doesn’t cover this
they’re sending us into the void
evil one won’t handle it well since she lost two fingers clawing through the dirt
i follow her with a rag as she drips across a marble lobby and tell her: stop screaming!
to be honest, i get it if they forgot to patch me back up, i’d be causing a scene too
so we scream into the elevator, up to the top floor
where top guys in suits tell us what’s what
and they prepare our fleshy, screeching return to the place we’ve barely forgotten